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Welcome to This Awful/Awesome Life! My name is Frances Joyce. I am the publisher and editor of this magazine. We'll be exploring different topics each month to inform, entertain and inspire you. Meet new authors, sharpen your brain and pick up a few tips on life, love, entertaining and business. Enjoy and please share!

MayBe by Lilly Kauffman

Again, this May’s issue features Mystery Novels. The month of May is also packed with other daily, weekly, and monthly observances—some established in the previous century, and many piled on more recently. Familiar are the standard observances: May Day, Mother’s Day, Armed Forces Day, and Memorial Day.

The month additionally is earmarked for raising awareness and competing for funding for some extremely important causes, debilitating diseases, and conditions such as Mental Health, ALS, Lyme Disease, and Lupus.

The entire month reminds us to appreciate our military, and our inventors, and to be aware of preventing wildfires. There are weeks to honor Nurses, Emergency Medical Services, and Teachers. I expect these designated times are significant to most of us and expand our compassion for others who are suffering and/or working to serve us.

Many observances should not be relegated to a week or a month: Asian American Month, Children’s Mental Health Week, and National Women’s Health Week—seriously? With no disrespect to the good intentions of the groups drawing attention to specific types of cancer, the work of firefighters around the world, and many others, I dare to shift to the lighter side of just some of the special days jammed into the merry month of May.

I’m fine with Windmill Day (14th) and International Pickle Day (16th), but National Be a Millionaire Day, National Visit Your Relatives Day, and National Day of Prayer? At least singular days for Hand Hygiene and National Prayer land on the same Thursday this year. Trust Your Intuition Day and Clean Up Your Room Day both on the 10th could end in a mess. And who decided that Anti-Bullying Day be shared with Star Wars Day—surely not C-3PO!

Whole weeks emphasizing the Fun of Reading, Screen-Free activities, and Backyard Games Week, coinciding with Safe Sun Week, fill in May’s calendar. Pets also unknowingly claim May which fits well with capturing their likeness during this National Photo Month. Young Achievers of Tomorrow may be riding to success in this National Bike Month (helmets in place; no doubt warned of Brain Injury Awareness Week) noticing Wildflowers during the first week of the month while contemplating Creative Beginnings Month. Underachievers find May 6th  No Homework Day more thrilling!

Foodies (our special day is the 9th) can enjoy the sanctioned National Barbeque Month, Hamburger Month with a side of National Salad Month, washed down with National Lemonade Day (1st). They might indulge in a Cosmopolitan on the 7th followed by Empanadas and Coconut Cream Pie on the 8th. The 10th calls for shrimp, the 12th for nutty fudge, sliding into Friday the 13th when Apple Pie, Fruit Cocktail, and Hummus combine for a most unlucky evening. System soothed on the 14th with Buttermilk Biscuit Day in preparation for everyone’s favorite: Chocolate Chip Day May 15th. With a day to recover, National Cherry Cobbler, National Walnut Day, and Pinot Grigio mix on the 17th which just happens to be World Hypertension Day. Somehow on National No Dirty Dishes Day, Cheese Souffle Day buts in to cancel out the no dirty dishes plan. Another Hummus Day (this one international) pairs with Devil’s Food Cake Day, but they must be integrated into Brown Bag it Thursday on the 19th. National Pizza Party Day (third Friday) -- always a winner—especially if the National Quiche Lorraine Day is ignored. May 22nd finds participants eating Vanilla Pudding careful not to spill on their black attire on World Goth Day.

Next comes National Taffy Day and then National Scavenger Hunt Day where players can enjoy asparagus and/or escargot while they search. Skipping on to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day on the 26th, the menu features National Blueberry Cheesecake Day and National Cherry Dessert Day, devoid of a single vegetable! Carb Day, Don’t Fry Day is cleverly slated for the Friday before Memorial Day. National Grape Popsicle Day will net 6g carbs. More substantial is May 28th with International Hamburger Day as well as National Brisket Day! Right before Memorial Day the sensible World Digestive Health Day appears not to be outdone by National Macaroon Day to end the month on May 31st with National Smile Day!

Lilly Kauffman is a non-fiction writer who was privileged to work as both librarian and a teacher. Her essays, whether serious or humorous, capture the experiences that allow us to laugh and grieve. Family and faith inform her writings. She is currently working on several book projects: A Mother Grieves in Ink, Ampersand, and Lil Letters.

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