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Welcome to This Awful/Awesome Life! My name is Frances Joyce. I am the publisher and editor of this magazine. We'll be exploring different topics each month to inform, entertain and inspire you. Meet new authors, sharpen your brain and pick up a few tips on life, love, entertaining and business. Enjoy and please share!

My Fitness Journey by Jay Andrews

As I left the doctor’s office, I was angry and disappointed; not at the doctor, but at myself! I couldn’t believe how large I had gotten! I was embarrassed when the scales said 267 pounds! I knew my 3X Large shirts were getting tight, but it hadn’t dawned on me just how big I had gotten. My doctor was concerned for me. My blood work was awful. My cholesterol and sugar numbers were way too high. My blood pressure was high, even on medication. My doctor asked me questions like, “Are you experiencing any dizziness? Do you have chest pains?” While I could answer “no” to these questions, I knew he was worried about me. He wanted to see me in six months instead of our normal one-year plan. 

On the drive home, I remembered my chiropractor telling me that my back issues were mainly caused from my “large gut” pulling on my lower back. When my back went out, I was in great pain and had to walk with a cane. If I ever got on the floor for any reason, it took me a few minutes to get up, and with great care! While I was truly embarrassed at how I looked, what bothered me the most were the doctor’s questions and wanting to see me again in six months. 

When I got home, I decided something had to change. That something was me! And it had to be a radical change before I was in such bad shape that I couldn’t change. I was 62 years old. I didn’t want to be the old fat man with a cane when I retired! 

As I began this new journey, I set myself a six-month goal. I wanted to lose weight before my next doctor’s appointment. It wasn’t going to happen overnight. I also had to adjust my attitude. I had to stop living to eat and begin eating to live. My portions were way too large. I always went back for seconds of the food I liked the most. I cut sugar out of my life. I started drinking more water. In the past, if I drank 16 ounces a day, I thought I was doing well. I began walking; 10,000 steps a day was my goal. I began working out with dumbbells that our son had left at our house when he moved out. I used the piano bench as my weight bench! That was not the best setup, but it got me going. When it came to working out, I didn’t know what I was doing. I searched the Internet for information. That got confusing as no one seemed to agree on what worked. Someone mentioned tracking my food through macros. I had no idea what that meant. I tried to stay consistent at eating less and walking more. I wasn’t very consistent at lifting weights; I was afraid I would hurt myself. The good news is, I did begin to lose weight. 

My wife became my cheerleader. She bragged on me and encouraged me. She helped me cut down my meal portions. She stopped asking if I wanted more to eat. She also purged the house of junk food. I could not have begun this new lifestyle without her. 

After six months I went back to the doctor. He was excited that I had lost about 24 pounds. While he didn’t check my blood work at that visit, my blood pressure was better. He said he wanted to see me again in six months and check my blood work. That visit was very encouraging. 

At this point in my journey, while my friends weren’t noticing a change in my appearance, I was. My clothes were a little loose. I could stand up straighter; my back was better. But I stopped losing weight. I tried cutting my portions even smaller. This only made me hungry and frustrated. I wanted to quit! But that wasn’t an option. I wanted the doctor to say, “Oh my God, what did you do?” at my next appointment. So I set another six-month goal. 

I decided I needed a personal trainer. I needed someone with more knowledge than I had. I needed accountability. I knew I would not go to the gym consistently, so I needed an online trainer. I wanted a fit, muscular man who didn’t use drugs, had certifications in fitness and nutrition, and would design a program for me that allowed me to workout at home. (By that time, I had purchased a weight bench and additional dumbbells.) 

My search led me to Jason at “JustDunn Fitness” ( Signing on with Jason is one of the best decisions I have ever made! Why did I choose Jason over the hundreds of other online trainers available? He has over 15 years of experience as a trainer. He holds over 10 certifications in fitness and nutrition. His website says, “Teaching and empowering you to be healthy for life through functional bodybuilding, macro-based nutrition, mind-muscle connection and meditation.” That was exactly what I was looking for! 

I signed on with Jason for six months. We began with a video call so he could see my range of motion and evaluate me as a client. He needed to assess my physical condition as he was preparing to build a program specialized for me. Now, I have instant access to my workouts through his training app. With over 300 custom demo and instruction videos, I always understand what he wants me to do that week. Along with dumbbells and body weight exercises, Jason has added resistance bands to my workouts. I have access to Jason through messaging through his app. I complete a weekly check-in form, and we talk on a regular basis. 

Jason carefully explained macros to my wife and me. This mystery now made sense. It’s not a diet; it’s a healthy way of eating. He determines the right proportions of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in my diet so I will lose weight and build muscle. He advised me to get the MyFitnessPal app to easily track my macros. MyFitnessPal links with Jason’s app so he can track my progress. It also allows me to enter my wife’s recipes, scan barcodes for nutritional values, track my water intake, and more. 

My wife became more than just my cheerleader at this point. She tweaked her recipes, so they were lower in fat and higher in protein. She watched Jason’s demo videos so she could help evaluate my form as I work out. (Jason is big on correct form!) She helps measure everything I eat so I can log it. Jason says, “If you can track it, you can snack it.” My wife has created some incredible healthy recipes. I could not do this without her! 

After six months of training with JustDunn Fitness, I have lost another 30 pounds for a total of 54 pounds since I began this journey. I have lost six inches off my waist. I’ve gone from 3X Large shirts to Large shirts. My friends and neighbors now see a difference. They not only notice that I’m losing weight, but that I’m toning, also. I get compliments all the time. This past week a friend commented, “You look great! You’ve lost a lot of weight; and you’re bulking up!” That made my day! 

The best news is the report I received at my last doctor’s appointment a few weeks ago. The nurse said my blood pressure was great! My doctor came into the room singing my praises. He said my blood work was perfect! My cholesterol had dropped almost 30 points! My sugar and triglycerides were exactly where they should be. (My doctor knows about JustDunn Fitness and approves the program Jason has designed for me.) 

Jason has given me a new understanding of nutrition. Making a healthy choice is now the new normal. Working out has become part of my life; I’ll never quit. Jason is helping me tone my entire body. Drinking 92 ounces of water a day now seems normal. My back doesn’t go out anymore. I’m walking taller and feeling better. The journey continues. I just renewed with JustDunn Fitness for another six months. I can’t wait to hear what my doctor says at my next visit! 

By the way, If I can do this, you can, too! What you do today may seem like a small step. But in one year, it will be huge if you are consistent. I learned that I didn’t need motivation as much as I needed direction. Long-term goals are the best. You didn’t get out of shape overnight; you won’t get in shape overnight, either. Be patient, stay consistent, be disciplined, and determined, and watch what happens!

National Adoption Month by Fran Joyce

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