This Awful-Awesome Life

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Wendy Tyson

Wendy Tyson is a writer, lawyer, and former therapist. She draws inspiration from her background for her mysteries and thrillers. Her short stories have appeared in literary journals, but writing books is her first love.

She writes about strong, determined women who face challenges head-on and aren’t afraid to go after what they want. She has authored several series in the mystery genre, and her latest work, Little Red House, will be released on December 6, 2022, under her pen name, Liv Andersson.

Tyson is originally from the Philadelphia area. She currently lives in Vermont with her family and pets.

Wendy’s answers to our questions for Mystery Month:

1.       What made you decide to write in the mystery/action-thriller genre?

My first novel was contemporary women’s fiction. During a conversation with my literary agent at the time, she asked me what I most enjoyed reading. I started to describe the mysteries and thrillers I loved, and she stopped me in my tracks. “Why not write crime fiction?” she asked. I started sketching out a mystery (KILLER IMAGE!) that night, and I’ve never looked back.

2.       How do you balance the use of technology and good old-fashioned sleuthing in your books?

In contemporary crime fiction, it is important to balance the use of technology with other forms of detective work—or at least acknowledge its existence and provide a reason it’s not being used. There are ways authors can keep technology use at a plausible minimum, should they choose to do so. Authors can create a character who is a Luddite and simply avoids technology. We can put our characters in situations where they don’t have access to the internet. We can create a short-term situation—such as stormy weather and power outages—that removes technology as an option.

I typically have my characters engage in a mix, depending upon my goals for a given scene. For example, in my Greenhouse novels, my protagonist is a lawyer turned farmer, so she spends a lot of time outside, at farmers’ markets, and in the community—places and activities conducive to good old-fashioned sleuthing. To acknowledge the role of technology in the modern world, though, I have her use the computer, phone, etc. as appropriate, but I don’t overdo those scenes. On the other hand, in my Percy Powers Crime Series, I created a character who is an ethical hacker. This allows my main protagonists to do the old-fashioned sleuthing while delegating online detective work to another character, who often performs the work off of the page.

3.       How important is research for this genre?

Readers are smart, and they’ll pick up on inconsistencies and inaccuracies in novels. This means it’s important to do enough research to get the facts correct and make stories believable. The extent to which I need to research depends on the topic or setting. If I’m writing about an activity or issue that’s new to me, I may need to do hours or even days of research to get the details correct. Likewise, if I’m using a new setting that’s a real place, I will research the area carefully to get not only the locations correct but the culture, language, food, and ambiance, too. Historical crime fiction may require much more research than other sub-genres, as may international crime novels or other books exploring deep or complicated matters. Ultimately the importance will depend on the project—but always, I strive to ensure accuracy.

4.       Who are your favorite authors? Favorite mystery/action thriller author?

I have so many favorite authors! Stephen King, Barbara Kingsolver, Sarah Dunant, Margaret Atwood,  and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie to name just a few. And for mystery/thriller authors, I enjoy the works of many writers, including Elizabeth George, Donna Leon, Jonathan Kellerman, and Julia Heaberlin..

5.       What can you tell us about your latest work in progress?

My latest thriller, LITTLE RED HOUSE, written under the pen name Liv Andersson, is being released by Crooked Lane Books on December 6, 2022. I’m currently working on a second standalone thriller set in Maine as well as a work of contemporary fiction set in Martha’s Vineyard.

6.       Do you have any upcoming book signings or video chats?

I’m in the process of scheduling events for LITTLE RED HOUSE. I’ll be launching the book at the South Londonderry Free Library in South Londonderry, Vermont the week of December 6th, and I have a live interview with My Level 10 Life scheduled for release day as well. As we schedule more events, they’ll be posted on my website (

Books by Wendy Tyson:

Greenhouse Mystery Series

A Muddled Murder

Bitter Harvest

Seeds of Revenge

Rooted in Deceit

Ripe for Vengeance

Sowing Malice

Delilah Percy Powers Crime Series

A Dark Homage

Allison Campbell Mystery Series

Killer Image

Deadly Assets

Dying Brand

Fatal Facade

Anthology/Short Stories

The Night of the Flood


Books written under the Pen Name Liv Andersson:

Little Red House (release date 12/6/2022)

For more information, visit