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Welcome to This Awful/Awesome Life! My name is Frances Joyce. I am the publisher and editor of this magazine. We'll be exploring different topics each month to inform, entertain and inspire you. Meet new authors, sharpen your brain and pick up a few tips on life, love, entertaining and business. Enjoy and please share!

August 2023 in This Awful Awesome Life by Fran Joyce

We hope you enjoyed the July 2023 issue of This Awful Awesome Life.

Many thanks to Lilly Kauffman, Orlando Bartro, and Linda Cahill for their contributions to each issue.

Everything in Between, is now available in hardcover, paperback, and e-book on, Barnes and Noble, and independent bookstores in the United States  and parts of Europe. Don’t ask me which ones because the distribution deal happened recently. I love the cover! Thank you, Francis Cleetus for bringing my vision to life in such a spectacular way! Find out more about Everything in Between in this issue. Here is the link to purchase my book,

After two faulty links to our Zoom interview, I spoke with Toby Gribben for Shout Radio about Everything in Between and what’s next for me. Honestly, he was wonderful. Here is the link, so you can listen to the podcast:

The theme for our August issue is “The Empty Nest.” We typically think of “the empty nest” as the time when children go away to college or move out of their parent’s home. Even with kids coming back for summer breaks or moving home for economic reasons, once they have left, your family dynamic will never be the same. Your children come back as adults, and a part of the empty nest still applies.

In this issue, I address the changing definition of the empty nest.

An empty nest can also be created by loss which can be especially traumatic because we have had no time to prepare. We have a touching prose poem by Lilly Kauffman about loss and grief.

With an empty nest comes your “second act” whether you want it or not. Spoiler alert – the second act you think you will have may not be the one you actually get, but it might be better!

This month, Orlando Bartro’s article made me stand in my kitchen looking at the handles on my pots and pans. I made sure to thank him.

This month I reviewed Murder and Mystery in the Last Frontier By Alaskan Wilderness Mystery author Robin Barefield. The true crime cases she covers in the book are riveting. I’m a long time Robin Barefield fan and subscriber to her monthly newsletter and true crime podcasts. Robin shared an article with us this month about how she chooses the true crimes she includes in her work.

In an effort to shake things up a bit, I combined our “What’s in a Word?” column with our August quiz. How many of these words do you know? Have you used them in conversation?

“Dare to Believe,” is proud to feature two inspiring individuals who succeeded later in life.

They are “empty nesters” who seized their moment. Maybe you can, too.

Our August 2023 salad in “The Twelve Months of Salad” is Italian Pasta Salad. It’s colorful, fast, easy, and delicious. With minimal cooking required, it’s the perfect salad for a hot summer day and you can make as much or as little as you need. It’s so versatile we always make a big bowl and enjoy the leftovers for days.

Each month, Linda Cahill shares delicious recipes courtesy of The Pampered Chef. Her August recipe suggestions are ideal for summer celebrations, or any time you gather with family and friends.

In August 2018, I wrote an article about movies for empty nesters. It remains one of our most popular articles,

This month we have a new selection of movies and television programs about the empty nest. We hope you like them as much as you did our original picks.

We have some great choices in our reading recommendations for kids and adults. Also, check out our Author page, August in Pictures, and our preview of the September issue.

Internationally best-selling author Luke Murphy has a new book coming out at the end of this month or the beginning of September, The Cradle Will Fall. His characers Charlene Taylor and Calvin Watters are teaming up We’ll be reviewing it for September and chatting with Luke next month, so keep reading each issue.

I hope you are carefully vetting the growing list of people who have formally announced their intent to run for office in the 2024 elections. As the list of candidates for the Senate, House of Representatives, and the presidency continues to grow, it’s more important than ever to start the vetting process and listen carefully for any inconsistentcies in their campaign promises. Please keep showing up and voting. We will never tell you who to vote for, but we will keep telling you to vote, and do your homework! Vet all candidates and insist that all political parties do the same. Vote for the candidates who are the most qualified and who will safeguard our democracy. Character matters. When people show you who they really are, believe them.

Samantha Sayers has been missing since she disappeared on August 1, 2018, after a day of solo hiking at Vesper Peak near Seattle, Washington. Sam grew up in the Erie, Pennsylvania area where her parents Ron and Lisa still live. Her family is exploring all avenues of inquiry to find and bring her home. In the face of such an enormous challenge, they have chosen hope. Please keep sending positive thoughts to Sam and her family. As promised, we will be displaying a yellow ribbon for Sam on the opening page of each issue of This Awful Awesome Life until she is home.

If you are a person of faith, please pray for her safe return to her family. Because we are an online publication, we can update this article with any news. We will also post information on our Facebook page, but only after it is verified. Thank you!

Please share our link, with your friends and family.

Even though This Awful Awesome Life is a free publication, our subscription numbers matter. They affect the quality of people we attract to be in our magazine. So far, we’ve been fortunate to feature amazing people from all walks of life, and we want to do even more. You can help by becoming a subscriber and encouraging your friends to read and subscribe to our magazine.

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Happy Reading,


Next Month in This Awful Awesome Life by Fran Joyce

Redefining the Empty Nest by Fran Joyce