This Awful-Awesome Life

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July 2023 What's in a Word? by Fran Joyce

This month we’re focusing on words related to choices – making choices or the choices you make - because they are not the same. How you make choices and why you make choices can be very different. What motivates you to put others’ needs first? When do you consider your own needs? I hope these words help you discover new motivations and bring you more choices.

1.       Kairos – n. (origin – Greek) a time when circumstances are right for crucial action or decision-making. An opportune time and a decisive moment.

2.       Sockdolager – (origin – unknown) A finisher, something decisive or exceptional that settles a matter. A “mic-drop” moment.

3.       Velleity – n. (origin – Medieval Latin) an inclination, slight wish, or tendency,

4.       Querencia – n. ( origin - Spanish and Latin) An area in the arena that was taken by the bull for a defensive stance in a bullfight. It’s derived from the word “querer” meaning to want, like, or love, and the  Latin word, “quaerere” meaning to seek, gain, or obtain. Quarencia (note the slight difference in spelling) is a Spanish word meaning a place from which one draws strength, where you can be yourself and feel at home. I know “querencia” might seem an odd or even offensive word for choice, but sometimes we are put in horrible situations where the only choice we can make is how to best defend ourselves.

5.       Ossify – v. (origin – Latin and English) to become rigid or inflexible in habits, opinions, or attitudes, and also, to change into bone.

6.       Firgan – n. (origin – German and Hebrew) the art of sharing or helping to facilitate someone else’s pleasure or good fortune without jealousy. Also, sharing credit fairly.

7.       Foofaraw – n. (origin – unknown) a great fuss or disturbance about something insignificant. Also, frills and flashy clothing or finery.

8.       Podsnappery n, (origin – English - Charles Dickens had a part in creating this word this word which describes one of his characters Mr. Podsnap, a complacent Philistine in Our Mutual Friend) an attitude toward life that refuses to recognize or acknowledge unpleasant facts. Complacency.

9.       Merak – v. or n. (origin – Serbian) the pursuit of small pleasures each day leading to a sense of fulfillment and oneness with a larger purpose or the universe. In English, it may be used to refer to a time traveler

10.   Besa – n. (origin – Albanian) a pledge of honor; keeping a promise by honoring your word.