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Welcome to This Awful/Awesome Life! My name is Frances Joyce. I am the publisher and editor of this magazine. We'll be exploring different topics each month to inform, entertain and inspire you. Meet new authors, sharpen your brain and pick up a few tips on life, love, entertaining and business. Enjoy and please share!

Out of Play by Joy Norstrom - A Review by Fran Joyce

For this issue, I selected Out of Play by Joy Norstrom. Norstrom is a Canadian author and social worker who believes in the power of storytelling.

I selected this novel for our vacation issue because it explores the world of larping. Larping  stands for Live Action Role Playing. It is a game where the participants physically portray their characters. Larping events are arranged by gamemasters. These people set the rules for the game and decide the setting.

This is not a guidebook for larping. Out of Play is a touching and often funny story about life, love, marriage, and loss.

Gillian and Ralph are a couple out of sync. Their fifteen-year marriage is strained to its limits. Gillian blames Ralph’s obsession with larping. He leaves almost every weekend to dress up in costume and pretend to be someone else. Gillian complains to her therapist that she feels neglected and Ralph is selfishly squandering the times they could be spending together to go on these adventures.

She resists her therapist’s suggestions and seeks the support of her widowed friend Jas. Gillian envies what she thinks is Jas’ freedom – Jas doesn’t have to tolerate a man-child who would rather play dress up than spend time with her, but Jas has problems of her own. Gillian is too focused on her own misery to notice.

When her therapist suggests Gillian try to find common ground with Ralph by attending a  larping weekend, she’s resistant. Why would she want to do something so childish? As Gillian contemplates leaving Ralph, she decides if she does try larping and it doesn’t work, she can leave with a clear conscience.

Instead of telling Ralph, she decides to become a non-participating member of the kitchen staff at the event, so she can observe Ralph without his knowledge. She dawns her wench costume and hits the road.

What could possibly go wrong?

The answer to that question you need to read for yourself, but I will tell you, roughing it in a medieval camp is harder than Gillian thinks and ultimately her adventure is the catalyst that will reveal what’s really going on between Gillian and Ralph and it just might heal their relationship.

Other novels by Joy Norstrom:

Flying the Nest 

Photos are taken from the author’s website for the information of our readers with no intention of copyright infringement,

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