This Awful-Awesome Life

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Robin Barefield

Robin Barefield is an Alaskan wilderness mystery writer. She has a master’s degree in fish and wildlife biology and is also a wildlife-viewing and fishing guide. She lives on Kodiak Island in Alaska where she and her husband, photographer Mike Munsey, own a remote lodge.

Barefield has written five mystery novels set in the Alaskan wilderness and Kodiak Island Wildlife, a nonfiction book about the biology and behavior of the land and marine mammals on and near Kodiak Island.

She has a podcast series about true crime in Alaska and a free monthly Mystery Newsletter about true crime and mystery in Alaska.

Robin’s answers to our questions for Mystery Month:

1.    What made you decide to write in the mystery/action-thriller genre? 

I love the genre, so I write what I like to read. I don’t think I would enjoy writing in any other genre. I am always running possible plots through my head and thinking of ways to put my characters in danger and then figuring out how they will survive the situation and solve the mystery. 

2.    How do you balance the use of technology and good old-fashioned sleuthing in your books? 

Much of what I write takes place in the wilderness. When my characters are in a remote area of Kodiak Island, they don’t have cell phone access. In real life, we can’t use any phones where we live, but we do have limited internet access. The parts of my stories that occur in the wilderness are low tech, but the troopers use DNA analysis and other tools of a modern-day police force, so I would say I mix technology with good old-fashioned sleuthing. 

3.    How important is research for this genre? 

Research is vital! Every time I sit down to write, I put my characters in a position where they must do something that I don’t fully understand. I love research, though, so it is not a hardship. When I read a mystery novel, I hope it entertains me, but I also hope I learn something from it. I feel the same way about the novels I write. I want my books to entertain, and I want the reader learns something interesting. 

4.    Who are your favorite authors? Favorite mystery/action thriller author? 

I don’t have as much time to read fiction as I would like, but I enjoy C.J. Box, Greg Iles, William Kent Krueger, Paul Doiron, and Kathy Reichs. 

5.    What can you tell us about your latest work in progress? 

I am currently working on a book about true crime in Alaska. I write a monthly newsletter about murder and mystery in Alaska, and the book will be a compilation of approximately 30 of those stories. I am very excited about this project, but of course, I am always thinking about the plot for my next novel. 

6.    Do you have any upcoming book signings or video chats? 

No. With our limited internet, it is impossible for me to do video chats, and I don’t go to town often enough to do book signings. I sell my books at the one bookstore in the town of Kodiak and at a few other local stores, and of course, my books are for sale on Amazon and other online booksellers. 

Enjoy this link to one of Robin’s true crime podcasts:

 Books by Robin Barefield:

Big Game

Murder Over Kodiak

The Fisherman’s Daughter

Karluk Bones

Kodiak Island Wildlife

Massacre at Bear Creek Lodge 

For more information visit