This Awful-Awesome Life

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Luke Murphy

Luke Murphy is the internationally bestselling author of two series, The Charlene Taylor Mysteries and The Calvin Watters Mysteries. He played six years of professional hockey before retiring in 2006. His sports column, “Overtime” (Pontiac Equity), was nominated for the 2007 Best Sports Page in Quebec and won the award in 2009. He has also worked as a radio journalist (CHIPFM 101.7). Murphy lives in Shawville, QC with his wife and three daughters. He is a teacher who holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing, and a Bachelor of Education (Magna Cum Laude).

Luke’s answers to our questions for Mystery Month:

 What made you decide to write in the mystery/action-thriller genre?

I grew up reading The Hardy Boys mystery series, so that is where I fell in love with the genre. I kind of lost touch with reading during my teen years, but as a young adult the James Patterson, Alex Cross series brought me back into it, and I was once again re-introduced to the genre.

1.    How do you balance the use of technology and good old-fashioned sleuthing in your books?

Obviously, technology these days is quite enhanced, and it makes it easier for authors, who write within the present-day setting, to take advantage of the high-tech equipment at the character’s disposal. I think with one of my main characters being an LAPD cop, and another a Private Investigator, I use technology quite a bit in my stories. If I had to give a number, I use 60% sleuth and 40% tech. With crime scenes, the use of technology comes in handy.

2.    How important is research for this genre?

Extremely important, especially when writing book #1 of a series. I don’t travel a lot, so Google Maps comes in handy with settings, and since all of my books are set in the US, and I live in Canada, I have to be up to date with laws and regulations in other countries.

3.    Who are your favorite authors? Favorite mystery/action thriller author?

Greg Iles, David Baldacci, Harlan Coben, James Patterson, Michael Connolly, etc.

4.    What can you tell us about your latest work in progress?

For 2022, I’m continuing with my series writing. I don’t want to give too much away since I haven’t released it yet, but it will be a continuation of where the series left off.

5.    Do you have any upcoming book signings or video chats?

Nothing scheduled.

Books by Luke Murphy:

The Calvin Watters Mysteries

Dead Man’s Hand

Wild Card

Finders Keepers

The Charlene Taylor Mysteries

Kiss & Tell

Rock-A-Bye Baby 

Red Zone (A Calvin Watters and  Charlene Taylor Mystery)


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