This Awful-Awesome Life

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Finding Your Inner Artist by Fran Joyce

What do you think of when you hear the word artist? Many of us think of greats like DaVinci, Monet, or Kahlo, or Van Gogh. To paraphrase definition one in The Oxford Dictionary, an artist is someone who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or a hobby. Definition two includes anyone who practices one of the creative arts including sculptors, novelists, musicians, poets, or filmmakers. Definition three is my favorite because it classifies anyone skilled in a particular task or occupation as an artist.

Many professional artists may take exception to the broader definition of the term, but I think it’s important to look for and appreciate the artistry in everything we do.

I believe everyone has at least one special talent. Have you found your talent?

My grandmother wasn’t a particularly good cook, but she could make three things better than anyone else I know, peanut butter cookies, mayonnaise cake, and chicken and dumplings. She learned to play to her strengths for church socials, visiting sick friends, or funerals. She also loved to embroider and made beautiful pillowcases. Those were her superpowers and we always celebrated them.

A gifted surgeon who saves lives is often called an artist. I used to call my mechanic, Dave an artist because he often resurrected my minivan when I couldn’t afford a new one. Luckily, I replaced my clunker just before he retired.

There are people who excel at their jobs to the point they can be called an artist, but sometimes the rest of us need a little nudge to find their talent. Maybe you are like my grandmother and have a signature dish you make, or you can put together an outfit like a fashionista.

My dad was a gifted carpenter who excelled at finish work. My brother builds incredible furniture. My sister was an artist who created one-of-a-kind pieces.

I’m a dabbler. I cook, I sew, I write, and I like to decorate. I don’t know if I can be called an artist, but the level of enjoyment I get from creating something makes me feel like an artist. I recently bought some acrylic paints and canvases to create some new artwork for my home. I haven’t painted or drawn anything in years. Maybe it will go into the garbage as a failed experiment, but maybe, just maybe, I will create my own masterpiece.

Promise yourself that you will carve out some time to explore your inner creativity. After the year and a half, we’ve lived through, we all need to feel as special as my grandmother visiting a neighbor with a warm plate of peanut butter cookies.