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Welcome to This Awful/Awesome Life! My name is Frances Joyce. I am the publisher and editor of this magazine. We'll be exploring different topics each month to inform, entertain and inspire you. Meet new authors, sharpen your brain and pick up a few tips on life, love, entertaining and business. Enjoy and please share!

The May 2021 Quiz The Psychology of Color


Color psychology is the study of how colors influence human behavior. How does color affect our day-to-day decisions? Do we buy more items of a certain color or favor certain colors of foods?

Color and how we perceive it has become an important tool for businesses, interior designers, therapists, and even government agencies. Our perceptions of certain colors may explain why we prefer them over others. The same color often has different meanings to people depending on their upbringing, gender, location, and values.  

How much do you know about the psychology of color? Take our quiz and find out.

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the word bank. Not all words will be used, and words used more than once will have a number in parenthesis beside them. Answers to this quiz are in the last article for this month: Next Month in This Awful Awesome Life – June 2021. You also can click on this link,

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Red (2)         McDonalds              Nickelodeon                      

Blue (2)         Roku                       eternal life

Yellow         UPS                        YouTube

Purple           Barbie                     Peru

Orange         Nike                        Colombia

Black            Best Buy                 South Korea           

Gray             Mercedes Benz       North Africa

Green           Hallmark                  Middle East

Brown           Coca Cola               India

White (2)      Prison Cells             China (2)

Black           Waiting rooms         good news

Pink              Samsung                 architecture

Dutch            Asian                      T-Mobile

Chanel          Home Depot            trust

Funerals       Hershey’s                Twitter

Bad news    John Deere             80%

West             Eastern                   British

Monarchy    weddings                 Starbucks

65%              Africa                      Apple

1.    The use of color in advertising campaigns can increase brand recognition by ________.

2.    In Marketing, purple is associated with spirituality, royalty, power, luxury, and wisdom. Overuse of the color can seem arrogant or cause frustration. _______________ and ________________ have purple logos.

3.    In Western cultures brides traditionally wear _________ because this color is associated with cleanliness, purity, peace, and elegance. In several ___________ countries, this color is a symbol of bad luck, mourning, and death and is only worn during __________. In _________, this color symbolizes good health and angels.

4.    In Marketing, the color, red is associated with excitement, passion, danger, energy, and action. ____________ and ____________ have red logos.

5.    It’s a common belief in Albania, Afghanistan, Iran, Greece, and Turkey that wearing a _________ amulet shaped like an eye will protect the wearer or user from the evil eye.

6.    The color _______ in a window display attracts spontaneous purchasers.

7.    In Marketing, pink is most often associated with playfulness and products for women. The logos for _____________ and _____________ are pink.

8.    _________________ are often painted a light shade of pink to be calming, stimulate the mind and lower violent behavior.

9.    In Marketing, blue is associated with the sea and the sky and feelings of trust, calm, stability, peace, and harmony. ___________ and __________ have blue logos.

10. Because it’s the color of long life, happiness, celebrations, prosperity, joy, and good luck in many Asian countries, it’s common for Asian brides to wear __________ wedding dresses. In _________, this color is associated with spirituality, sensuality, fertility, power, wealth, fire, fear, beauty, love, and purity. 

11. _______________ is usually the most prominent color displayed on an e-commerce website.

12. Blue is a masculine symbol in many cultures, and blue toys/clothing/bedroom colors are usually associated with boys. In ______, it is associated with women. 

13. In Marketing, black is associated with elegance, sophistication, power, and mystery. ___________ and _____________ have black logos.

14. Western cultures associate the color, ________ with love, romance, femininity, and girls’ clothing/toys/ bedroom colors. In South Korea, this color represents ________, and in Latin America, it symbolizes ____________.

15. In Marketing, orange is associated with creativity, balance, adventure, success, and enthusiasm. _________ and ____________ have orange logos.

16. The color_____________ is considered lucky in Thailand and people wear it every Monday to attract luck for the entire week.

17. In Marketing, brown is considered an earthy color associated with food, soil, wood, and stone. It causes people to have feelings of comfort, security, and casualness. ________ and _________ are two iconic brown logos.

18. In Western culture, green is associated with nature, environmental awareness, envy, money, inexperience, and the military. In __________, green is associated with infidelity. In Israel, green is associated with _________________, and in _________________, it’s associated with corruption. People in Japan tend to love the color, green because it symbolizes ______________________.

19. In marketing, gray is associated with neutrality and balance. ____________ and _____________ have gray logos.

20. In Egypt, ___________ is the color of mourning. In the __________, it symbolizes warmth, security, and the harvest while in many ______________ cultures, this color symbolizes love, humility, good health, and happiness. It is the personal color of the ______________ royal family.

21. In Marketing, green is associated with nature, money, growth, health generosity, and fertility. ____________ and ______________ have green logos.

22. The color ___________ is associated with formality, sophistication, mystery, bad luck, illness, fierceness, magic, mourning, evil, and death. In ___________, this color is a symbol of masculinity, maturity, and age. In the ______________, it represents rebirth and mourning.

23. ____________ dye was once quite rare and hard to come by because it was extracted from the banded dye-murex, a particular species of sea snails. This color cloth was so expensive to make, it became a symbol of the ____________.

24. In Marketing, yellow is associated with sunshine, positivity, summer, vibrancy, happiness, optimism, and sometimes danger or deception.  ___________ and ________________ have yellow logos.

25. ________ light causes people to feel more relaxed. Some countries have begun to install this lighting hue in streetlights and subway/railway stations to help decrease/prevent violence/crimes and suicide attempts.

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