This Awful-Awesome Life

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Next Month in This Awful Awesome Life - June 2021

We hope you enjoyed the May 2021 issue of This Awful Awesome Life.

Next month our soup of the month will be Italian Wedding Soup paired with a Chicken wrap. June signals the coming of summer. Schools will be in summer recess and kids will be graduating. Hats off to all these kids who have succeeded during this pandemic. I’m not sure what the June issue will be about, but there will be one and it will be great!

We continue to vaccinate every adult who wants the vaccine, and vaccines have been approved for members of our younger population.

Unless you have a specific allergy to a vaccine or a physical condition and your personal physician has determined it’s not safe for you to receive the vaccine, please get vaccinated.

Don’t listen to the personal opinions of media personalities, religious leaders, or political pundits in place of a medical professional familiar with your health.

It’s our best chance to protect ourselves and our loved ones from COVID-19 and help end this pandemic. Please continue to wear masks, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, maintain social distancing, and avoid large gatherings until we have this pandemic under control. Please respect and follow CDC safety guidelines.

Orlando Bartro will be back with something clever and amazing. Linda Cahill will have more delicious recipes from Pampered Chef. We’ll have a new quiz and we’ll be going to the movies – I haven’t decided if we will be discussing wedding flicks or summer romances.

Until next month, stay safe, stay well, you are important, and you are loved,


Answers to the May 2021 Psychology of Color Quiz:

1.    The use of color in advertising campaigns can increase brand recognition by 80%.

2.    In Marketing, purple is associated with spirituality, royalty, power, luxury, and wisdom. Overuse of the color can seem arrogant or cause frustration. Roku and Hallmark have purple logos.

3.    In Western cultures brides traditionally wear white, because this color is associated with cleanliness, purity, peace, and elegance. In several Asian countries, this color is a symbol of bad luck, mourning, and death and is only worn during funerals. In Peru, this color symbolizes good health and angels.

4.    In Marketing, the color, red is associated with excitement, passion, danger, energy, and action. Coca Cola and YouTube have red logos.

5.    It’s a common belief in Albania, Afghanistan, Iran, Greece, and Turkey that wearing a blue amulet shaped like an eye will protect the wearer or user from the evil eye.

6.    The color, red in a window display attracts spontaneous purchasers.

7.    In Marketing, pink is most often associated with playfulness and products for women. The logos for T-Mobile and Barbie are pink.

8.    Prison cells are often painted a light shade of pink to be calming, stimulate the mind and lower violent behavior.

9.    In Marketing, blue is associated with the sea and the sky and feelings of trust, calm, stability, peace, and harmony. Twitter and Samsung have blue logos.

10. Because it’s the color of long life, happiness, celebrations, prosperity, joy, and good luck in many Asian countries, it’s common for Asian brides to wear red wedding dresses. In India, this color is associated with spirituality, sensuality, fertility, power, wealth, fire, fear, beauty, love, and purity. 

11. White is usually the most prominent color displayed on an e-commerce website.

12. Blue is a masculine symbol in many cultures, and blue toys/clothing/bedroom colors are usually associated with boys. In China, it is associated with women. 

13. In Marketing, black is associated with elegance, sophistication, power, and mystery. Nike and Chanel have black logos.

14. Western cultures associate the color, pink with love, romance, femininity, and girls’ clothing/toys/bedroom colors. In South Korea, this color represents trust and in Latin America, it symbolizes architecture.

15. In Marketing, orange is associated with creativity, balance, adventure, success, and enthusiasm. Home Depot and Nickelodeon have orange logos.

16. The color, yellow is considered lucky in Thailand and people wear it every Monday to attract luck for the entire week.

17. In Marketing, brown is an earthy color associated with food, soil, wood, and stone. It causes people to have feelings of comfort, security, and casualness. UPS and Hershey’s are two iconic brown logos.

18. In Western culture, green is associated with nature, environmental awareness, envy, money, inexperience, and the military. In China, green is associated with infidelity. In Israel, green is associated with bad news, and in North Africa, it’s associated with corruption. People in Japan tend to love the color, green because it symbolizes eternal life.

19. In marketing, gray is associated with neutrality and balance. Apple and Mercedes Benz have gray logos.

20. In Egypt, orange is the color of mourning. In the West, it symbolizes warmth, security, and the harvest while in many Eastern cultures, this color symbolizes love, humility, good health, and happiness. It is the personal color of the Dutch royal family.

21. In Marketing, green is associated with nature, money, growth, health generosity, and fertility. Starbucks and John Deere have green logos.

22. The color, black is associated with formality, sophistication, mystery, bad luck, illness, fierceness, magic, mourning, evil, and death. In Africa, this color is a symbol of masculinity, maturity, and age. In the Middle East, it represents rebirth and mourning.

23. Purple dye was once quite rare and hard to come by because it was extracted from the banded dye-murex, a particular species of sea snails. Purple colored cloth was so expensive to make, it became a symbol of the monarchy.

24. In Marketing, yellow is associated with sunshine, positivity, summer, vibrancy, happiness, optimism, and sometimes danger or deception. McDonalds and Best Buy have yellow logos.

25. Blue light causes people to feel more relaxed. Some countries have begun to install this lighting hue in streetlights and subway/railway stations to help decrease/prevent violence/crimes and suicide attempts.