This Awful-Awesome Life

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Building a Team

Partners Wanted

The challenge with publishing This Awful-Awesome Life is how do I realize my dream without making it all about me? How many hats should I wear?

Will readers get sick of what I have to say or the topics I choose for the magazine?

The best way I know to make sure this never happens is to keep other people involved.

Are you the missing piece to the puzzle?

I’m not asking for a monetary investment. Your time is valuable. I want writers, photographers, a graphic designer, and a sales manager who are willing to invest their time and talents to create a successful publication in exchange for exposure and a share in our profits.

I need people who are looking for an audience for their work and a platform for their ideas.

I can’t promise you fame and riches for your efforts, but I can offer you the opportunity to be a part of something with unlimited potential.

This publication can be viewed by anyone with a computer. I need your help to make sure people want to read it and people want to advertise in it.

Talented partners + interesting content + inspired design = loyal readers + sponsors = critical and monetary success

Email Fran at or FRANJOYCE@THISAWFULAWESOMELIFE.COM for information about becoming a partner in our success.